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Show #1215
Original airdate: Sep 05, 2024
Guests: Les Murzsa - 9/11
Topics: 9/11
"Inside Job - Music To Indict Them By (Figure It Out Yourself) " (1:55:13)
MP3 download
Part One the complete Album
Music Producer Les Murzsa has put the story of 911 to music in this impressive album.
Using real quotes the real story is reavealed and put in proper perspective.
A scathing indictment of the Bush administration's lies behind the 9/11 attacks.
12 song concept album featuring hundreds of quotes from the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Part Two - Starts @ 39:00 minute mark
Interview with Les Murzsa from March 2007
Les gives a short self-bio
His motivations for this great music creation
Song Titles 1) The Justice Squad, 2) The Humanity Of Donald Rumsfeld, 3) Smoke 'em Out
4) Dick Cheney Orders NORAD To Stand Down, 5)PNAC, The Project For A New American Century,
6) The New Pearl Harbour 7) Inside Job, Neo-Cons In Strategic Positions,
8) "There's A Bomb In The Building" - What The FDNY Were Saying
9) The Explosions Being Reported Before The Controlled Demolitions 10) WTC 7
11) Semper Fi, Semper Fidelity, Always Faithful, 12) Fool Me But Can't Get Fooled Again,
One Of The Stories Of The Century
Les mentions more reasons why 9/11 was an inside job
Len recommends a TV show, Pilot Episode - The Lone Gunman.
A spinoff of the X Files series
Link to watch it
RIP Les Murzsa 1972- 2024
Show #1214
Original airdate: Aug 29, 2024
Guest: Jim Dieugenio, Ray McGinnis
Topics: Freedom of Speech
Play Jim DiEugenio (2:23:08)
MP3 download
Part One Jim DiEugenio
Jim's Website Kennedys and King
Maureen Callahan Goes over the Edge - Along with Megyn Kelly
Read Part Three
Jim wraps up his three part review of Maureen Callaghan's fictitious book, Ask Not.
Read a detailed & shortened version of the reviews on Jim's Substack.
Before publishing Ask Not, why didn't Callahan or Kelly invest in a professional fact checker?
Why wouldn't Megyn Kelly try to verify Callahan's claims BEFORE Callahan's interview?
Callahan relies on disinfo books written on the Chappaquiddick event by Paul Burke & Leo Damore.
Unfortunately, Ted Kennedy's first wife, Joan, was unable to curb her alcoholism.
Jim disputes Callahan's claim that Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne.
Ted Kennedy had never been to Chappaquiddick before July 18, 1969.
Ted Kennedy rarely drove anywhere by himself, he was usually driven by a driver.
Jim feels the accident was due to Ted Kennedy not knowing the Chappaquiddick roads or Dyke Bridge.
On August 23, 1956 Jackie Kennedy gave birth to a premature baby girl, Arabella, who was stillborn.
Although Arabella wasn't due for five weeks, Callaghan implies JFK was negligent by being absent.
Diana de Vegh first wrote about her "affair" with JFK when he was a Senator, 60 years after the fact.
Rosemary, daughter of Joseph & Mary Kennedy, born with mental health issues.
In desperation, Joseph Kennedy gave approval to doctors to perform a frontal lobotomy on Rosemary.
Jackie Kennedy was absent from the birthday fundraiser for JFK at Madison Gardens in NYC.
Jackie wasn't fond of going to fundraising events, where she felt "for sale", asking people for money.
Marilyn Monroe was just one of seventeen different entertainers at JFK's birthday fundraiser in 1962.
Marilyn Monroe was married & divorced three times by age 35.
Where is Callaghan's evidence that Marilyn was having an affair with JFK or RFK?
How could JFK or RFK be responsible for Marilyn Monroe's death if they weren't with Marilyn?
Jackie went to Europe with her sister, after the death of baby Patrick who died at just two days old.
Jackie returned in time for JFK's trip to Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
Listener questions answered
Part Two starts at 1:14;42
Ray McGinnis is a Canadian author of Unanswered Questions.
Founder of Telegram Pavel Dyron Arrested in France
Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested in UK
Journalist David Menzies arrested in Canada Arrested in Canada
Evidence never supported the charges... Article by Ray McGuiness
Trucker protest with insufficient evidence charges are down to "mischief"
Day 44 trial upadate
Tucker Carlson interviews Pavel Dyron Watch Here
Tamara Lich & Chris Barber's trial began September 2023.
Ray attended the Freedom Convoy 2022 trials in Ottawa last November.
The trial is before a judge, not a jury, causing time delays when scheduling court appearances.
Tamara & Chris are being charged with mischief & counselling mischief.
Typical Canadian mischief trials typically last only three hours, this trial has gone on over 40 days.
Freedom Convoy participants were portrayed as violent, racist Nazis etc. by the media & government.
Tamara Lich, key volunteer for the convoy is a Metis woman, not a white supremacist violent Nazi.
Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour is part of the foundation of our legal system.
Ottawa Police are the ones who directed all convoy truck drivers & vehicles to their parking locations.
Justice McLean confirmed the Charter of Rights & Freedom allows Canadians to peacefully protest.
Section 2b & C of the Charter enshrines Canadians rights to peaceful protest.
On Feb. 16, 2022 Justice McLean reaffirmed protesters abiding by his rules, peaceful protest allowed.
Tamara Litch arrested, put in prison, in & out of jail for 49 days.
The whole trial is about questioning whether Canadians have the right to protest Government policies.
Canadians had been trying for 2 years to communicate with all levels of government, being ignored.
Canadians were not allowed to question potential side effects of the vaccines, data covered up.
Matt Taibbi revealed government clampdown of Freedom of Speech
His substack worth reading https://twitterfiles.substack.com/
BCCDC data on serious adverse stats the agency was variously compiling, hiding and manipulating. Article
Show #1213
Original airdate: Aug 22, 2024
Guest: Joan Mellen
Topics: Sherlock Catfished !
Play Joan Mellen (45:23)
MP3 download
Mark Lane compared investigating the JFK assassination like Frankenstein unleashed the monster.
Joan learned about the MOSSAD researching the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel.
In time, Joan was befriended by New Orleans Police Intelligence Police Officer, Robert Buras
Robert Buras denied permission to interview Psychiatrist Dr. Frank Silva & Patricia Orr in Baton Rouge.
Because of Joan's tenacity & unbiased researching, Burriss nicknamed Joan ‘Sherlock’.
Robert Kennedy & Walter Sheridan tried to hamper Jim Garrison’s investigation.
Joan developed pneumonia walking the rainy streets of New Orleans with Robert Buras
Explains the current & historic definition of Catfished after being hoodwinked on Facebook.
These people with fake profiles are looking to take advantage of people financially.
Joan's bank refused to transfer $15,000 US over the phone to someone she’d never met.
If you've been Catfished, the FBI has an online for you to fill out to explain the particulars.
Do not give MONEY to ANYONE you meet online. Do not become EMOTIONALLY invested.
Older women are targeted because they tend to be lonely & have more money than younger women.
The person trying to take advantage of Joan was plagiarizing text from an article in Atlantic magazine.
One of Joan's students once plagiarized the film Fight Club. His classmates quickly exposed his lies.
The life of a writer is hard, dealing with bad reviews & many rejections.
It disturbs Joan that RFK Jr. hasn't contacted her about RFK's involvement in Garrison's investigation.
Joan was threatened with bodily harm by Roger Stone if Joan attended the conference in Louisiana.
Joan contacted the FBI about Roger Stone's threat of bodily harm, so it would be documented.
Despite threats, Joan presented at the Jim Garrison conference, with Garrison's sons in attendance.
Joan notes the lack of footnotes in Stone's The Man Who Killed Kennedy, The Case Against LBJ.
Luckily for Joan, the FBI sent her an unredacted copy of their file on Mac Wallace.
Mac Wallace's FBI file was the foundation for Joan's book Faustian Bargains.
Joan talks about the time she went to interview Gerald Patrick Hemming.
Hemming told Joan that the only person he was afraid of was Bernie. Who is Bernie?
Show #1212
Original airdate: Aug 15, 2024
Guest: John Armstrong
Topics: Tampering of Dallas Police Transcripts !
Play John Armstrong (1:04:25)
MP3 download
John has a new video featuring his latest research on Lee Harvey Oswald on Nov. 22/63.
New Video - Tampering of Dallas Police transcripts
John is always finding information that no one else has found because he reads.
Earlene Roberts saw Lee leave the rooming house in a dark brown shirt. zipping up his dark blue jacket.
Lee wore a dark blue jacket when he appeared in the morning at Wesley Frazier's house on 11/22/63.
Taxi driver William Whaley also described Lee as also wearing a dark blue jacket.
Lee left the rooming house at approximately 1:03 PM.
The man who shot Tippet at 1:06 PM was wearing a light colored Eisenhower type windbreaker jacket.
Please read John's analysis and description of the Tippet murder on his website, HarveyandLee.net
Oswald was wearing a long sleeved brown shirt (no blue jacket) at his arrest in the Texas Theatre.
John encourages you to READ the Dallas Police Department dictatape transcriptions from 11/22/63.
The FBI edited the DPD transcriptions, changing the time stamps around the Tippit murder.
Three Ambulances sent to 10th & Patton - Dudley M. Hughes ambulance, Baylor University & the VA.
By 1964, Ely was aware of the many Oswald impersonations happening in multiple places.
Oswald shows a Texas State Driver's License to Fred Moore at the Jiffy Mart at 10am.
How can Oswald be at the Jiffy Mart when he's pushing boxes around at the TSBD?
Oswald seen getting on bus in Dealey Plaza while also spotted getting into a Rambler station wagon.
John Hart Ely, 26 year old & the youngest member to work on the Warren Commission.
Ely's job for the Warren Commission was to research the history of Marguerite & Lee Harvey Oswald.
Seeing obvious discrepancies, Ely started to question Oswald's duplicity in his investigation.
Ely talked to the men who were stationed with Oswald in Santa Anna & El Toro.
Talked to Sgt. Donald Goodwin at El Toro. Friendly with Oswald, going to the movies together.
In 1975, Ely wrote a summary of his deep & complex feelings about the Warren Commission.
Mr. Ely, in his own words, recognized there was multiple Oswalds.
In April '64 Jenner wrote to Rankin about Ely's records, Ely's research was going to have to be edited.
John has wondered for 20 years why Capt. Fritz didn't ask Lee any questions about the Tippit murder.
A blue jacket was placed on Tippit's body after he was murdered before the ambulance crew arrived.
Witness Domingo Benavides tried to contact DPD dispatch but didn't know how to use the police mic.
Tippit's body was taken the Methodist Hospital by the Dudley Hughes ambulance by Jasper Clayton Butler.
Although Butler was on site by 1:10 PM, Tippit was declared dead until 1:15 PM? How?
Capt. Fritz was aware of the 2nd wallet found at the Tippit crime scene, helping in the cover up.
On 11/22/63 the Dallas Police Dept. sent the FBI 225 items but returned 455 items on 11/26/63.
John spent 2 weeks at the National Archives searching for DP initials on items in Oswald's inventory.
The government offices protect each other, enabling them to destroy & hide assassination evidence.
What would have happened if the public found out two wallets at the Tippit crime scene in 1963?
Why haven't the seasoned researchers questioned the two different jackets & shirts worn by Oswald.
What happened to Oswald's blue jacket? It was missing at the time of his arrest.
John first started to seriously research the JFK assassination after attending an event in 1991.
Madeline Brown's attended the JFK event, bringing her son, who is the spitting image of LBJ.
Was LHO in N. Dakota in 1953 but also in New York going to school?
It takes years researching & reading to understand the all of the little links that slowly connect.
Show #1211
Original airdate: Aug 8, 2024
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Play Jim DiEugenio (1:06:24)
MP3 download
Maureen Callahan Goes over the Edge Along with Megyn Kelly Review Part One
James Lawson, advisor & assistant to MLK, passed way in Los Angeles on June 9th.
Lawson had been an expert on non-violence and MLK's murder.
Professor Jeffery Sachs interviewed Monica Wiesak about the assassination of JFK.
Jim feels Monica Wiesak's America's Last President is the best book written on JFK in recent years.
Read Jim's recent article Maureen Callahan Goes over the Edge Read Part Two Here
The Posthumous Assassination of John F. Kennedy published by Jim in rebuttal to Seymour Hersh.
Dark Side of Camelot - horribly written, poorly researched & a complete hatchet job.
ABC bought the rights to Hersh's book, later discovered via forensic testing the documents were fake.
Lawrence X. Cusack III forged the documents Hersh used as sources for The Dark Side of Camelot.
Joseph Kennedy's secretary, never having met Marilyn Monroe, easily discredited Hersh's claims.
Researcher Greg Schreiner, warned Hersh that signature on documents was not Marilyn Monroe’s.
Greg Schreiner hosts a site dedicated to Marilyn at themarilynmonroesite.com
Ask Not by Maureen Callahan a hack piece.
Jim points out Ask Not was going nowhere, until Megyn Kelly's interview with Maureen Callahan.
Listens to Megyn & Maureen's podcast contacted Jim to help debunk their research & claims.
Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy & Carolyn Bessette's eyes featured on the cover of Ask Not. Why?
DiEugenio has debunked rumours the Kennedy brothers were involved with Marilyn Monroe’s death.
Don McGovern wrote Murder Orthodoxies & transferred it to the Marilyn from the 22nd Row website.
If you read Don McGovern's book, you'll realize what a hoax the Marilyn Monroe industry was & is.
Gary Vitacco Robles wrote a chapter dedicated to Marilyn wire tapping claims in his book Icon.
Anthony Summers used bribes made by Nobel Kid Chissell to validate his research on Marilyn Monroe.
Despite being debunked, Callahan uses Summers & Donald Wolfe as sources for her book.
Summers & Wolfe give credibility to the liar, Robert Slatzer. Why?
Jim recommends following Marilyn Monroe author April VeVea, creator of Classic Blondes.
Despite lacking a marriage certificate, Robert Slatzer claimed he married Marilyn Monroe in 1952.
Don McGovern tears this claim apart in his book, writing eighteen pages that discredit Slatzer's claims.
April Vevea found photo of Marilyn taken in LA on the day Slatzer states they were married in Mexico.
Slatzer bribed Nobel Kid Chissell, to state he was a witness to Robert & Marilyn's wedding ceremony.
Slatzer ended up being Welshing on the deal.
Jeanne Carmen made 31 appearances masquerading as Marilyn Monroe's best friend after her death.
Bobby Kennedy was in San Francisco with his family on the day Marilyn died.
Peter Lawford had invited Marilyn to his dinner party in Santa Monica & not in LA.
Pathologist Boyd Stephens believed Marilyn committed suicide as drugs ingested, not injected.
When JFK died, Jackie's trust fund was worth about $2 million a year in today's money.
In 1967, Price Sihanouk declared the Vietnam war would not have happened if JFK had lived.
Show #1210
Original airdate: Aug 1, 2024
Guest: Dr. Gary Aguilar
Topics: Burt Griffin and Howard Willens
Play Dr. Gary Aguilar (125:12)
MP3 download
Dr. Aguilar's recent article on WC Counsels Burt Griffin & Howard Willens Read Artice Here
Warren Commission counsel Burt Griffin published a new book in 2023 defending the WC findings.
Warren Commission counsel David Belin wrote 'Final Disclosure' in 1988.
Prior to 'Final Disclosure', in 1973 Belin published 'November 22, 1963; You Are The Jury'.
Warren Commission counsel Howard Willens wrote 'History Will Prove Us Right' in 2013.
Griffin's book is the 3rd Warren Commission counsel member to publish a book defending the WC.
Dr. Aguilar wrote a response to Willens article in American Scholar, Willens never responded.
Church Committee & the HSCA were extremely critical of the Warren Commission investigation.
The Warren Commission supporters refuse to acknowledge Church Committee and HSCA findings.
Government investigators avoid admissions of guilt, known as 'admission against interest'.
The Warren Commission's investigation was a corrupt cover up, not a real murder investigation.
FBI's Edgar Hoover was in complete control of the Warren Commission & the final published report.
Within hours of Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest Hoover declared he was the lone shooter & murder solved.
Warren Commission defenders include Paul Hoch, Robert Wagner, Gerald Posner & Nicholas Nalli.
Why do the Warren Commission defenders continue to support such a shoddy investigation?
Griffin & Belin both avoid telling the truth by omitting the most damning details from their readers.
To curb public interest, in 1964 the New York Times reported the WC had released all documents.
Belin parrots the lies, but upon review over 3,000 WC documents were still being withheld in 1992.
Howard Willens is guilty of withholding documents which were later published on his own website!
After Dr. Aguilar exposed Willens published withheld WC documents, he had the documents removed!
Lee Harvey Oswald was stationed at the Atsugi Air Base in Japan which was (is) a CIA spy base.
Griffin & Willens give very limited information about Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico.
Hale Boggs was very vocal about disagreeing with the official conclusions of the Warren Commission.
Boggs died in a mysterious air crash over Alaska on October 16, 1972.
Burt Griffin had previously stated he wasn't happy with the investigation, but supports it in his new book.
Griffin admits in his new book that the Warren Commission investigation didn't focus on conspiracy.
Belin's first Book: You Are The Jury Download Book Here
Also by David Belin "Final Disclosure" Download Book Here
Dr. Aguilar's article 'Max Holland Rescues the Warren Commission and the Nation'.
Read Here
Show #1209
Original airdate: July 25, 2024
Guest: Jeff Carter
Topics: New Fletcher Prouty Documentary
Play Jeff Carter (50:06)
MP3 download
Trailer info for screening View Here
Jeff worked on the "50 Reasons For 50 Years" project with Black Op Radio.
Jeff's research featured on Jim DiEugenio's Kennedys & King website.
Len recently completed documentary on William Pepper for John Barbour.
Watch Here
Len's research was influenced early on by Mae Brussell, Jim Garrison & Fletcher Prouty.
Len & Jeff drafted the framework for a Prouty documentary while working on 50 Reasons .
The film features Oliver Stone discussing Fletcher Prouty.
Film premier of "Fletcher Prouty's Cold War" on August 12th at Paul Phillips Hall in Victoria, B.C..
Len's relationship with Fletcher provided an archive of photos, interviews & documents for the film.
"Fletcher Prouty's Cold War" is an offshoot of "50 Reasons For 50 Years" film series.
Historic documentary that covers Prouty's military career & Cold War events from 1940's - 1963.
Col. Fletcher Prouty spent 23 years in the military, including 9 years at the Pentagon.
Hearing Dave Ratcliffe interview Fletcher Prouty was Len's catalyst for writing Prouty about JFK.
Cold War conflicts occurred before the end of WWII; Operation Paperclip was a betrayal against Stalin.
Donald Sutherland portrayed Prouty as "Mr. X" in Oliver Stone's movie, JFK.
Being USAF, Prouty didn't sign a CIA Oath of Secrecy
Prouty had been head of "Team B" at the Pentagon. CIA had to clear all plans & operations with USAF.
The requests that came through the CIA helped Prouty recognize Black Ops.
Before retirement, Prouty had his secretaries discontinue stamping documents with "Top Secret" etc..
Prouty was able to disclose several documents due to their lack of classification after retiring.
After retirement, Fletcher provided counter information about Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, JFK & Black Ops.
Prouty would help researchers & reporters indirectly by dropping hints without divulging secrets.
In 1972, Prouty's "The Secret Team" was published, which was a warning to society about the CIA.
Prouty was motivated to educate the public often stating "I'm just trying to level the playing field".
Fletcher revealed that Ed Lansdale had been in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
Len & friend Andy Hill came to Prouty with a long list of organized questions, to ensure efficiency.
Prouty would always take the time to respond & answer correspondence from curious researchers.
Len & Jeff reflect on the struggles of whistleblowers Edward Snowden & Julian Assange.
Len produced a video with Fletcher Prouty on the specifics surrounding JFK's assassination.
Watch Here
Show #1208
Original airdate: July 18, 2024
Guest: Vince Palamara
Topics: Trump Assassination Attempt
Play Vince Palamara (1:29:18)
MP3 download
Vince studies and writes on the Secret Service
Anomalies with the security in Butler Pittitbugh
Reflections on relaxed Security at the JFK Assassination
BBC interviews a witness Watch Video
Thomas Mathew Crooks lives just five minutes from Vince.
Thomas Mathew Crooks, 20, graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022.
Employed at Skilled Nursing Homes in Bethel Park where Vince's mother died in 2023.
Law enforcement alerted at least 30-45 minutes prior to the shooting at event entrance.
Thomas had acted suspicious around the magnetometer.
Thomas had a Hunting Range Finder
Crooks had an AR style rifle, explosives found in his car and home.
Like Lee Harvey Oswald, associates claim Crooks not a good shot.
Crooks rejected by his high Bethel Park High School rifle team.
January 2021 Crooks donated to the Biden supporting "Progressive Turnout Project" in Chicago.
Crooks a registered Republican in October 2022 mid-terms.
Secret Service has been guarding roof tops to Eisenhower & FDR but neglected to in Butler.
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle stated the sloped roof where government located not a threat.
Video and photos show Crook's clean up crew had no issues standing up and hosing off bloody roof.
Crooks only about 140 yards away from Trump's stage.
People filming in the crowd were trying to alert Secret Service that Crooks was armed on roof.
Did Crooks bring a ladder or was it fixed? Why wasn't the ladder manned by security?
Why weren't drones being used as an extra measure of security?
Vince reflects on the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.
If Trump had been assassinated, Vince surmises riots would have happened and economy ruined.
Modern day Secret Service use Zapruder's JFK assassination film for training.
Advanced team of agents typically arrive 48 hours prior to the President to secure the area.
State and local police are guided by the Secret Service. Chain of command failed to secure roof.
In 2004 a grenade was thrown at George W. Bush when in Georgia, Russia.
Secret Service agents not recorded or photographed with standard ear pieces.
Trump's permanent Secret Service security detail told to stand down for Butler event and rest.
Inexperienced Secret Service staff and site agent in charge of security.
After Crooks was taken out, Secret Service prematurely declare the sight secured.
Trump allowed to stand up, exposing himself, fist pumping and chanting "fight, fight, USA, USA".
Why wasn't bullet proof glass used to protect Trump on stage?
Vince feels Butler, PA is a very red and pro Trump location so security may have been relaxed?
Spectator Corey Comperatore shot dead, two others critically wounded.
Retired Secret Service Paul Landis who promotes the single bullet theory said agents did a good job.
Retired Secret Service agent Dan Emmett said the Secret Service dropped the ball.
How did Crooks get into the event with a gun, binoculars and climb up on a ladder? Rifle hidden?
Was Crooks assured protection prior to the shooting by government or military officials?
Situation is similar to Jack Ruby being assured protection when he shot Oswald in basement of DPD.
The Secret Service provides life long protection to Presidents, past and present.
RFK Jr. denied Secret Service protection despite being high risk.
Secret Service waited for Thomas Matthew Crooks to take the first shot.
Thomas Crooks filmed an hour prior to event, walking around buildings, drawing attention to himself.
Crooks was obvious, Secret Service Counter Sniper Rifle Team had Crooks in their cross hairs.
3D animation created of how close the bullets came to striking Trump. Watch Annimation Here
Thomas Crooks in BlackRock commercial featuring Bethel Park High School's teacher Brian DeLallo.
Contradictory reports from classmates that Thomas Matthew Crooks was bullied.
Secret Service Counter Sniper Rifle Team perched on two different sloped roofs.
Witnesses claim they heard shots come from a tower.
Autopsy reports, ballistics and trajectory reports once released will answer more questions.
FBI conveniently can't seem to obtain data off Thomas Matthew Crook's cell phone.
BlackRock's Ukraine war would be disbanded under Trump. Motive for shooting?
Show #1207
Original airdate: July 11th, 2024
Guests: Col Fletcher Prouty
Topics: That Whole Bay Of Pigs Thing
Play Col. Fletcher Prouty (1:41:33)
Watch on Youtube
Kennedy was in the Navy, he was a congressman, then a senator
Eisenhower had approved a base to train exile Cubans to incite a rebellion
Eisenhower would never have approved an invasion
The fourth Kennedy/Nixon debate, Kennedy knew the leaders of the Cuban program
The CIA changed the plan to a 3,000 man invasion before the inauguration
Marine Colonel devised the plan, Kennedy waited for the air strike
Destroyed seven of 10 Cuban jets, JFK ordered the destruction of the three
The Cuban Study group, Operation ZAPATA, Dulles, Burke, Taylor, RFK
Walter Bedell Smith, Truman's DCI, a democracy cannot wage war
Covert operations can be done up to a certain size, should be taken from the CIA
Fletcher briefed the JCS on NSAM 55, a major change
A key point in Kennedy's difficulties with many points of power
McGeorge Bundy called Gen. Cabell and cancelled the additional air strike
Why? Not elaborated, there was no air cover in the plan
42,000 rifles, submarines, not covert, advised to keep Americans out of Asia
NSAM 263, Vietnam policy, Taylor and McNamara went to Vietnam
The Taylor/McNamara Report, withdraw all U.S. personnel
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, opposition to the film JFK
570 billion dollars, the Military/Industrial Complex, Kennedy and the report
Honolulu and NSAM 273, a reversal of NSAM 263, NSAM 288
A history of the U.S. in Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, DOD/ISA
Lodge confers with the President, no mention of JFK's assassination
Murder is the function of state governments
The autopsy should have been completed in the hospital
Oswald was picked up on the charge of shooting Tippit
The murder was clearly the activity of several trained people
Hit from the back, hit from the front twice, the Tague shot, four bullets
A British 303 rifle, a German mauser, the Italian caracano
Normal police activity would have solved that crime before midnight
They interviewed him all night, they took no notes at all
HSCA found more than three rifle sounds, they think there was a conspiracy
Evidence of one of the most powerful cover ups ever created
The people who made that plan intended to take over control
They had the power to kill, to cover up, to take over the Presidency
If a group conspired, then they had an objective
A powerful group within the government, killed Kennedy
The motive was the control of the government
A speech at the U.N., a cooperative attempt to go to the moon
The TFX fighter program, 6 to 7 billion dollars
The contract was awarded to General Dynamics, the military wanted Boeing
Vietnam was not a big issue, Laos and Congo were more important
If the people wanted their own country, they were gonna have to fight
NSAM 263, a thousand troops home for Christmas
It was clear he would have another four years, then Bobby, then Teddy
The hit men are professionals, covered by the police
No agency played a role as an agency, the Gold Key club
People from various agencies might have been called upon
The Secret Service is augmented with U.S. military units
The automobile with the President cannot travel less than 44 mph
Military units were called, "You won't be needed in Dallas"
Close and seal all the windows, a man on the roof with a radio
There were false Secret Service there, false police
The autopsy in Bethesda, wounds of entry in different places
LIFE published reversed Zapruder film extracts
Shot through with cover stories, an inside powerful group
The Secret Service studies the route, they don't want to change it
High level elements were able to get the route changed
The men that saw this happen were kept from speaking
A very slow speed, making corners, right under the guns
It was an absolute ambush, a real wild west ambush
Show #1206
Original airdate: July 4th, 2024
Guests: Jeff Carter, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Show #1206
Original airdate: July 4th, 2024
Guests: Jeff Carter, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1206 (1:52:51)
MP3 download
Jeff Carter worked on "50 Reasons For 50 Years"
Review of Eric Tagg's book “Brush With History”
A Day in the Life of Deputy E.R. Walthers,
Book Review Here
The author presents a complex view of the Dallas Police
Walthers engaged with numerous locations and persons of interest in the hours after the shooting
Walthers wrote a same-day account: Read document Here
Intrigue and mystery in the Dallas neighbourhood of Oak Cliff
The Abundant Life Temple may have been a "safe house" on 11/22/63.
It was part of a right-wing network of affiliated churches
Address on Harlandale was associated with the Cuban exile community, rumours place Oswald there on occasion
Book features interesting memo by Garrison for the HSCA, on the strange phenomena of "bishops" and "ministers"
Belonging to obscure churches affiliated with the right-wing networks, including persons of interest in JFK assassination.
Bizarre constellation of "wandering bishops" is described in Peter Levenda’s "Sinister Forces" trilogy
Part Two Jim DiEugenio starts at 42:36
Listener questions answered
Monica Weiack and Jeff Sachs
Substack by Jim DiEugenio -Jeff Sachs: An Academic with Chutzpah Article
Troubled Biden debate discussed, he has dementia
What is the best evidence of a conspiracy in the JFK case today?
Jim explains why the motorcade route was altered.
What was the directionality of the anterior neck wound?
Did Oswald carry a paper bag to work that morning
Article by Milicent Cranor Traces Of Witness Tampering
Article by Milicent Cranor Trajectory of a Lie
Ralph Leon Yates story discussed Excerpt from Jim Douglass book
Show #1205
Original airdate: June 27th, 2024
Guests: Mark Adamczyk, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1205 (1:03:24)
MP3 download
Mark E. Adamczyk is an attorney from Naples, Florida.
Mark Adamczyk and Andrew Iler. writing on the JFK Records Act and declassifcation
The Biden/CIA Attempt to Usurp Congress' Authority Over JFK Records Read Article Here
Article by Mark Adamczyk JFK Records Release and Donald Trump
ARRB Final Determinations of High Importance
4600 documents are still in the protected collection... Biden says the "job is done."
Periodic Review under the JFK Records Act - Declassification should have been Complete by 2017 at the latest !
Public Interest Declassifcation Board (PIDB)
Curtis Gannon scuttles Trump releasing any records under "national security"
DOJ Office of Legal Counsel Steers Trump on a Flawed and Troubling Legal Path on the JFK Records"
Joe Biden pathetic, allows agency's to judge themselves on transparency
The Trump/Napolitano/Carlson Connection on JFK Article by Mark Adamzcyk
Congressional Oversight on JFK Records Has Been a Total Failure. A new ARRB is needed to follow the law"
Kennedy's & King looking for a webmaster to help with posting, email the website
Sirhan Sirhan up for parole soon Read Action Alert Here
Show #1204
Original airdate: June 20th, 2024
Guests: Larry Hancock, Paul Bleau, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1204 (1:36:36)
MP3 download
Researchers canvassed for opinions by Paul Bleau Questionnaire
Paul summerized the last four
Opposition to JFK from Gen. Curtis LeMay and Gen. Lyman Lemmnizter
JFK taped meetings
JFK worried about losing civilian control of the military
1962 "Operation Switchback" replaced CIA with military in Vietnam
Defense Intelligence Agency DIA
JFK did more for civil rights than the three previous administrations
JFK thought of as a traitor by some in the military
Book JFK Chokeholds
John Frankenheimer Film - Seven Days In May
Show #1203
Original airdate: June 13th, 2024
Guests: John Amrstrong
Topics: Lee Harvey Oswald
Play Show 1203 (1:41:39)
MP3 download
Back by popular demand !
John's book "Harvey And Lee" is a must read
Book and all articles at harveyandlee.net
Discovered duplicate sets of history for Oswald background
The false defector program
It may be intelligence agency leaving phoney trails for spys looking into his background
Either way it is interesting to hear what John has uncovered
You don't have to agree with all his conclusions
Air Force sergeant Robert Vinson witnessed the double being taken out of Dallas on November 22.
Must watch Video Captain Westbrook, Officer Tippit and Oswald's double.
Show #1202
Original airdate: June 6th, 2024
Guests: Michael Gregory
Topics: Covid Data Release
Play Show 1202 (57:49)
MP3 download
Michael has been following the real data regarding Covid origins
Fauci in the news this week
Emails released this week reveal fraud
Covid -19 exposed as a US Gov. project
Virus engineered by scientists using a bio lab as cover
Steven Miller MD reports - corruption infiltrating every sector
Dr. Vinay Prasad
Matt Taibbi
Glen Greenwald
TrialSite News
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Jimmy Dore reveals Millions in payments to scientists...
Michael recommends the webiste - Reclaim The Net
Joe Rogan quote regarding Trust The $cience
Show #1201
Original airdate: May 30, 2024
Guests: Joachim Van Wing
Topics: Bussels Conference
Play Show 1201 (52:56)
MP3 download
Joachim Van Wing Confences in Belguim - Complete list of speakers over the years :
2021 : Drs Brecht Arnaert, Luc De Wandel and Mattias Desmet PhD
2022 : Prof Bob de Wit, Marc Wathelet PhD, Geert Vanden Bossche PhD,
Mischael Modrikamen LLM,
Carine Knapen LLM, Mattias Desmet PhD, Robert Malone MD
2023 : Len Osanic, Marcel Crok, Assoc Prof Simon Michaux, Pierre Capel PhD,
Kees van der Pijl PhD, prof Ivan Van De Cloot
2024 line-up : Assoc Prof Simon Michaux, Drs Brecht Arnaert, Alasdair MacLeod, Mattias Desmet PhD
Event website : www.enargia.be
Ticket booking : https://www.eventbrite.be/e/speakers-bbq-2024-tickets-879341583347?aff=oddtdtcreator
International guests or attendees can apply by email : info@enargia.be (we speak Dutch, English, French and German)
2022 'Dissidents BBQ' - Brecht Arnaert interviewing Mischael Modrikamen LLM and Carine Knapen LLM
2022 'Dissidents BBQ; - Joachim Van Wing interviewing Geert Vanden Bossche PhD and Marc Wathelet PhD
2022 'Dissidents BBQ' - Joachim Van Wing interviewing Robert Malone MD
2023 'Speakers BBQ' - Joachim Van Wing and Len Osanic
Show #1200
Original airdate: May 23, 2024
Guests: Aaron Good, Ray McGinnis
Topics: James Angleton, Canada Bill C-63
Play Show 1200 (2:05:22)
MP3 download
Book: American Exception: Empire and the Deep State by Aaron Good: Hardcover , Kindle , Audiobook
Video: Angleton and the "Israeli Account" - Jefferson Morley
James Angleton's connection to Israel
Nixon, watergate and the rise of the neocons
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
The Collected Works of Col. Prouty CD-ROM available for direct download here for just $30
Video: Judge Napolitano on what President Trump told him about the JFK files
Book: The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot: Paperback , Kindle , Audiobook
The 3 most lucrative international trades: oil, drugs, weapons
Subscribe to Aaron's podcast American Exception
Part B: Ray McGinnis; beginning at 1:17:04
Canada's new bill C-63 aka The Online Harms Act
This bill will result in the most significant expansion of Canada's hate speech laws
The justification for this new law is to "protect children"
How the new bill might be misused
Section 810.012 - The status of being assessed as 'likely' to commit an online hate offense
Show #1199
Original airdate: May 16, 2024
Guests: Oliver Stone, Jim DiEugenio, Dawna Kaufmann, Lisa Pease, et al
Topics: Dr. Cyril Wecht Memorial
Play Show 1199 (3:28:04)
MP3 download
Part A: Oliver Stone;
Book: JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Jim DiEugenio: Hardcover , Kindle
JFK Revisited: The Complete Collection Blu-Ray + DVD
Rent/buy JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass : Showtime , Prime , iTunes , Vudu , Microsoft
Rent/buy the documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed : Amazon Prime , iTunes , Vudu
Part B: Jim DiEugenio; beginning at 5:27
Dr. Cyril Wecht passed away on 13 May, 2024
Book: The JFK Assassination Dissected by Dr. Cyril Wecht and Dawna Kaufmann: Paperback , Kindle
FREE Download Ebook : Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher (PDF)
Subject Index to the Warren Report and Hearings and Exhibits by Sylvia Meagher
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Master Index to the JFK Assassination Investigations (WC & HSCA) by Sylvia Meagher
Video: Robert Groden and the first public broadcast of the Zapruder Film on Geraldo Rivera's show Good Night America
One man with the truth is superior to a thousand men with a lie
Dr. Wecht was a consultant on the medical evidence for Oliver Stone's 1991 film JFK
Dr. Cyril Wecht Testimony - House Select Committee on Assassinations (1978-09-07)
Dr. Cyril Wecht Testimony, Part 2 (1978)
Part C: Dawna Kaufmann; beginning at 33:16
Book: The JFK Assassination Dissected by Dr. Cyril Wecht and Dawna Kaufmann: Paperback , Kindle
Dr. Wecht was both a doctor and a lawyer
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Rush to Judgement (1967) by Mark Lane
Dr. Wecht personally performed 21,000+ autopsies and signed off on additional 41,000 autopsies
Part D: Lisa Pease; beginning at 59:43
Dr. Wecht had a great memory and sense of humor
Book: A Lie too Big to Fail by Lisa Pease: Hardcover , Kindle , Scribd
Part E: Randy Benson; beginning at 1:14:15
Documentary: The Searchers by Randolph Benson (vimeo on demand)
The website of the documentary: www.thesearchersfilm.com
Video: Dr. Cyril Wecht's Full uncut interview for The Searchers
Dr. Wecht performed autopsies on Elvis Presley, JonBenet Ramsey and many others
Dr. Wecht was the chair of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Part F: Pat Speer; beginning at 1:38:28
Pat's website: www.patspeer.com
When Pat met Dr. Wecht
Dr. Wecht was supposed to testify in the Garrison trial
Part G: Vince Palamara; beginning at 1:58:19
Vince's website: www.vincepalamara.com
Blog: www.vincepalamara.blogspot.com
Vince's YouTube channel , Facebook page and Twitter handle
Both Vince and Dr. Wecht are from Pittsburg
Dr. Wecht called Vince in 1991 as he was impressed that a 25-year-old was so interested in the case
Dr. Wecht inspired Vince to interview Secret Service personnel
Documentary: The Searchers by Randolph Benson (vimeo on demand)
Video: The best of Dr. Wecht and the HSCA panel JFK assassination compilation
Click here for many videos of Dr. Wecht on Vince's YouTube channel
Part H: Bill Kelly; beginning at 2:19:49
Bill's blogs: www.jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com and www.jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com
Dr. Wecht had been the chairman of CAPA for around 20 years
Bill has been a member of a both COPA (John Judge) and CAPA
Part I: Joe Green; beginning at 2:31:43
Joe Green's experience of interviewing Dr. Wecht
Joseph E. Green's website: www.joegreenjfk.com
Book: Dissenting Views by Joe Green: Paperback , Kindle
Book: Dissenting Views II by Joe Green: Paperback , Kindle
Book: Tinfoil Hat Not Included: Conspiracy Theories in Art and Practice by Joe Green: Paperback , Kindle
Part J: Dr. Gary Aguilar; beginning at 2:45:47
How Dr. Aguilar got invovled in the JFK case and met Dr. Wecht
FREE Download Ebook : Six Seconds in Dallas (PDF) by Josiah "Tink" Thompson
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Best Evidence by David Lifton
Politically motivated charges against Dr. Wecht
Dr. Russell Fisher and the medical evidence
Article: How Five Investigations into JFK's Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got it Wrong by Dr. Aguilar
Article: The CIA and the Media by Carl Bernstein
Article: The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know by James F. Tracy
FREE Borrowable Ebook : JFK: Conspiracy of Silence by Charles A. Crenshaw, Jens Hansen and J. Gary Shaw
FREE Borrowable Ebook : JFK Has Been Shot by Charles A. Crenshaw, Jens Hansen and J. Gary Shaw
Show #1198
Original airdate: May 9, 2024
Guests: Paul Bleau, Larry Hancock, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1198 (1:46:47)
MP3 download
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
Clay Shaw admitted that he used the alias Clay Bertrand
Please email Len at osanic@prouty.org if you would like free access to the Garrison files
Acoustic evidence was NOT the only reason why the HSCA concluded there was a probable conspiracy
"Everywhere you look with him (Oswald), there are the fingerprints of intelligence" - Senator Richard Schweiker
Website of the book The JFK Assassination Chokeholds : www.jfkchokeholds.com
Part B: Paul Bleau, Larry Hancock, Jim DiEugenio; beginning at 39:05
ZR-Rifle, Pathfinder, Operation Northwoods
The relationship between William Harvey and James Angleton
Operation Northwoods (PDF)
Patrice Lumumba and Fidel Castro were targets under the ZR-Rifle program
Documentary: Cold Case Hammarskjold : Stream on Amazon , iTunes , Directv , Microsoft , Verizon , Vudu
Book: Who Killed Hammarskjold? by Susan Williams: Hardcover , Paperback , Kindle
Book: Nexus: The CIA and Political Assassination by Larry Hancock: Paperback , Kindle
FREE Borrowable Ebook : The Last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi
Felix Rodriguez, Cuban American CIA Paramilitary Operations officer
Show #1197
Original airdate: May 2, 2024
Guests: James Norwood
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1197 (57:51)
MP3 download
Article: What's In a Name? "Harvey" and "Lee" & Why It Matters by James Norwood
Frank Wisner worked for the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor of the CIA)
Harvey Lee Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald
Article: Oswald's Proficiency in the Russian Language by James Norwood
Article: Who Was Harvey? by John Armstrong
Article: Marine Corps and the Soviet Union by John Armstrong
Video: 50 Reasons For 50 Years - Episode 22
Watch all 50 episodes of 50 Reasons for 50 Years
Book: Former People: John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, and Lee Harvey Oswald at a Crossroads in History by James Norwood: Paperback , Kindle
Video: Judge Napolitano on what President Trump told him about the JFK files
<Show #1196
Original airdate: Apr 25, 2024
Guests: Jim DiEugenio, Ray McGinnis
Topics: JFK Assassination Research, Canada
Play Show 1196 (2:05:18)
MP3 download
At Kennedys and King
Articles: Under Cover of Night, by Sean Fetter by Jim DiEugenio: Part 1 , Part 2
Article: Four Died Trying, Chapter One by Jerry Fresia
Jim's substack
Jim reviews the Netflix series American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
Jim reviews Rob Reiner's podcast Who Killed JFK : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
Tet offensive and Operation Rolling Thunder
Article: The Children of Vietnam by William F. Pepper: Download PDF , Read Online (html)
Book: The 13th Juror: The Official Transcript of the Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Trial :Paperback , Kindle
Dr. Martin Luther King's Beyond Vietnam Speech, April 4, 1967 at the Riverside Church, New York:YouTube Audio , Download MP3 , Text
Article: Requiem for William Pepper by Jim DiEugenio
Listener questions answered
Question : Where did the shots come from? -- John Judge : "From Washington"
Book: Prayer Man: More Than a Fuzzy Picture by Bart Kamp: Paperback , Kindle
Jim DiEugenio's review of Bart Kamp's new book Prayer Man
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Reasonable Doubt by Henry Hurt
Part B: Ray McGinnis; beginning at 56:27
Article: Coutts Three Verdict: A Warning to Protesters Who Act as Liaison With Police by Ray McGinnis
Showing up at the protest interpreted as committing mischief
Article: The End of Canada: The Shift from Democracy to Totalitarian Behaviour in the 'Pandemic era' by Ray
Deaths resulting from the covid vaccines
Documentary: Died Suddenly
The "fact checking" organizations
Video: Judge Orders Pfizer Vaxx Data Released In 8 Months, NOT 75 Years! (The Jimmy Dore Show)
Show #1195
Airdate: April 18, 2024
Guests: Ray McGuinnis
Topics: Online Censorship
Play Show 1195 (1:14:05)
MP3 download
The End of Canada: The Shift from Democracy to Totalitarian Behaviour in the "Pandemic Era" Article Here
The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot Book by Naomi Wolf
From healthy Democracy to Totalitarian state
Can you trust the CDC ?
Fauci lied about "gain of function"
Tamara Lich Freedom Convoy trial Update Here
Event 201 Pandemic exercise 2019...
Dr. Charles Hoffe chraged for medical misinformation in Canada Interview Here
The reporter David Menzies arrest Video Here
Nurse Amy Hamm has medically inaccurate charges dropped
Canada's penalties for hate crimes - including life in prison for inciting genocide. Article Here
Show #1194
Airdate: April 11, 2024
Guests: Dave Ratcliffe Jim DiEugenio
Topics: Remembering William Pepper
Play Show 1194 (1:41:13)
MP3 download
Remembering William Pepper Aug 16 1937 - April 7 2024
Jim discusses William Pepper contributions to the research community
More documents available at williampepper.com
Dave Ratcliffe remembering Bill Pepper
Article - William Pepper: The Children of Vietnam Read HERE
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia on GAFAM, the big 5: Google Apple Facebook Amazon Microsoft:
Edward J. Curtin, Jr.: The Roots of Radicalism and the Structure of Evil Read Here
Jim Douglass on going into the darkness: Read Here
How Will We Challenge Militarism, Racism, and Extreme Materialism?
Read Here
Selected poetry of Bill Pepper with Len Osanic
Bill discusses inspiration for some of his poems - windows media download
Free MP3 download of the album - Songs Of Peace and Violence in the Shadow of Drawn Swords
Watch - John Barbour with William Pepper Video
Discusses the MLK assassination and Trials that followed
Go Fund Me - Bill Pepper family could use help with funeral expenses Details Here
Show #1193
Airdate: April 4, 2024
Guests: William Pepper, Aaron Russo
Topics: MLK Assassination, - Film - "Freedom To Fascism"
Play Show 1193
Watch - William Pepper Video
John Barbour interview with William Pepper
Discusses the MLK assassination and Trials that followed
Part Two Arron Russo
Audio MP3 download (43:35)
A rebroadcast of BOR #296, Nov 9, 2006
Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007)
Producer, Filmmaker, Director, - Watch the Film Here:
America: Freedom to Fascism
There is no law that requires people to pay an income tax on their labor
"Supreme Court decisions do not apply to the IRS"
Aaron's website was "freedomtofascism.com"
Habeas Corpus ,
H.R. 6166 ,
get out into the market place, DVD, Google
1913, the
Sixteenth Amendment
The Supreme Court ruled, that while corporate gains are taxable, labor isn't
1913, the
Federal Reserve Act
Tax the labor of the people to pay the Federal Reserve System interest
The Democrats just won, nothing's gonna change, totalitarian policies
A central bank and graduated income tax are planks of the Communist Manifesto
A One World government, money controlling governments
America has become a
country run by the corporations
Have everybody "Chipped", Radio Frequency Identification,
RFID chips
Women's Lib, tax half the population, indoctrinate the children
The difference
between a Democracy and a Constitutional Republic
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"
Fiat Money ,
making money out of thin air, is a curse
Congress has the legal authority to shut the Fed down
They can't control us unless we allow them to, stop cooperating
If you care about your freedom, fight back, wake people up
Interview with Dave Champion
Tagged Workers
Real ID Act
Show #1192
Original airdate: Mar 28, 2024
Guests: Paul Bleau, Larry Hancock, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1192 (2:01:35)
MP3 download
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
Oswald was impersonated at least 17 times
The standards of proof
Quotes from the Warren Commission in the Chapter 1 of the book
Part B: Paul Bleau, Larry Hancock, Jim DiEugenio; beginning at 47:30
The survey sent out to JFK researchers
Book: The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick
A concise version of the above book: The Concise Untold History of the United States
For young readers: The Untold History of the United States, Volume 1: Young Readers Edition, 1898-1945
For young readers: The Untold History of the United States, Volume 2: Young Readers Edition, 1945-1962
Why was Kennedy assassinated?
Kennedy was not getting out of 1963 alive
Did Lyndon Johnson plan the assassination?
FREE Download Ebook : Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher (PDF)
June 10 1963, JFK's American University commencement address titled A Strategy of Peace : Audio , Video , Text
Stream/buy Oliver Stone's JFK : Prime , iTunes , Vudu , Microsoft
'The Collected Works of Col. Prouty' CD-ROM available for direct download here for just $30
Show #1191
Original airdate: Mar 21, 2024
Guests: Jeff Meek, Tim Smith
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1191 (1:18:58)
MP3 download
Jim Gochenaur passed away on March 14, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gochenaur's encounter with Elmer Moore
Book: JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Jim DiEugenio: Hardcover , Kindle
JFK Revisited: The Complete Collection Blu-Ray + DVD
Rent/buy JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass : Showtime , Prime , iTunes , Vudu , Microsoft
Rent/buy the documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed : Amazon Prime , iTunes , Vudu
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
FREE Download Ebook : Forgive My Grief by Penn Jones, Jr.: Vol 1 , Vol 2 , Vol 3 , Vol 4
Jim DiEugenio reviews Jeff Meek's book
Book: The JFK Files: Pieces of the Assassination Puzzle by Jeff Meek: Paperback
Part B: Tim Smith; beginning at 28:50
Tim Smith is the author of the new book on the HSCA titled Hidden In Plain Sight
Book: Hidden In Plain Sight by Tim Smith: Paperback
Jim DiEugenio reviews Tim Smith's book
Trailer: JFK: What The Doctors Saw
Stream the documentary JFK: What The Doctors Saw on Paramount Plus
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
FREE Download Ebook : Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher (PDF)
Show #1190
Original airdate: Mar 14, 2024
Guests: Barbara Shearer, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1190 (1:05:40)
MP3 download
Barbara Shearer is the director of the documentary JFK: What The Doctors Saw
Trailer: JFK: What The Doctors Saw
Stream the documentary JFK: What The Doctors Saw on Paramount Plus
The interviews with the doctors were done around the year 2013
Barbara has also directed the documentary series Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell
Trailer: Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell
Part B: Jim DiEugenio; beginning at 27:37
Jim's substack
Jim reviews Brent Holland's documentary The JFK Assassination: From the Oval Office to Dealey Plaza
Jim to review the new Netflix documentary series American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders
At Kennedys and King
Article: Hidden in Plain Sight by Jim DiEugenio
Articles: Brad Pitt, Joyce Carol Oates and the Road to Blonde by Jim: Part 1 , Part 2
Listener questions answered
FREE Borrowable Ebook : The Strategy of Peace by John F. Kennedy
Apronman - The Butcher of Elm Street
Book: JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Jim DiEugenio: Hardcover , Kindle
JFK Revisited: The Complete Collection Blu-Ray + DVD
Rent/buy JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass : Showtime , Prime , iTunes , Vudu , Microsoft
Rent/buy the documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed : Amazon Prime , iTunes , Vudu
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
Show #1189
Original airdate: March 9th, 2024
Guests: Col. Fletcher Prouty
Topics: The Secret Team
Play Show 1189 (4:30:15)
MP3 download
From the 1989 interview with Dave Ratcliffe
The National Security Act of 1947
The Creation of the National Security Council
The Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report
Opening the Door to CIA Clandestine Operations:
Shifting NSC Oversight from Directing to Approving Plans
The Function of the Director of Central Intelligence:
Coordinating Intelligence of the Government Intelligence Community
Clandestine Operations: Out of Control
If Not Directed by the National Security Council
Four Categories of Military Personnel Employed by CIA
Final Chapter in the History of War Making: Going From Offense to Defense
The Threat of Nuclear Weapons: Making War Planning Obsolete
Creating a Manichaean Devil to Justify Spending $6 Trillion for a Cold War
Secret Team Foundations:Creation of the CIA Focal Point System Throughout The Government
The Power of Indirection - Military Units Financed and Controlled by the CIA
Secret Team Growth: Focal Point Personnel Assuming Broader Roles
Obtaining Everything Money Can Buy:The CIA Act of 1949 and
Secretary of Defense Johnson's paper on Covert Operations
Employing the System of Reimbursement To Fund Unaccountable Activities
Post WWII War Plans--CIA Begins Amassing Its Own Stockpile of Military Equipment
From the Chairman of the JCS On Down:
"where the CIA was concerned
there were a lot of things no one seemed to know"
The Importance of the CIA's Deputy Director of Support (DD/S) Side of the Agency
by the Time of the Bay Of Pigs
Congressional Non-Oversight of Agency Funding and Executive Branch Responsibility for CIA
The Significance of the Sense of Infallibility Leaders of the Agency Felt Imbued With
The ST Running A Government Of Reaction:Develop and Control
All Secret Intelligence,And Brief The President On It Every Day
Allen Dulles: Forging a Government of Reaction
Dispersion of the OSO, Creation of the Office of SACSA
DOD Adoption of a Counterinsurgency Role in the late Eisenhower Years
NSAM 55 - JFK's Attempt to Get CIA out of Clandestine Operations
Chairman of the JCS: Exit Lyman Lemnitzer, Enter Maxwell Taylor
Bay of Pigs Post-Mortem and the Dynamics of Personality: Allen Dulles, Maxwell Taylor, & RFK
Bay of Pigs Report: Taylor's Letter to the President & the Origin of NSAM 55-57
Understanding the Military Assistance Program (MAP)
The Little Red Book 's Influence
on General Stilwell and Lansdale
MAP as a Sensor to React To
MAP's Ultimate Manifestation: Iran
The Secret Team: Far Beyond the Capability of the CIA
An Impossible Contradiction: Covert Operations Must Be Deniable
Show #1188
Original airdate: Feb 29, 2024
Guests: Johnny Cairns
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1188 (1:04:24)
MP3 download
Articles: Our Lady of the Warren Commission by Johnny Cairns: Part 1 , Part 2
How Johnny came about writing this two-part article
"I frankly don't like to talk to the people who think it was a conspiracy..." - Ruth Paine
In the JFK case, Marina Oswald's credibility is non-existent
Ruth Paine's relationship with Priscilla Johnson McMillan
"In this week's episode, WC supporters are gonna feel the pain. That's right. Ruth and Michael Paine"
Watch episode 19 of 50 Reasons for 50 Years here
"In this episode, we investigate the gift that keeps on giving; namely the Paines' garage"
Watch episode 31 of 50 Reasons for 50 Years here
Watch all 50 episodes of 50 Reasons for 50 Years
Why would Oswald try to kill a right-wing general like Walker and then kill the most liberal president after FDR?
"I forgot what I was supposed to say" - Marina Oswald
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
If Oswald was guilty in the Walker shooting, why would Oswald keep the photos and the note around for almost eight months?
FREE Download Ebook : Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher (PDF)
Video: "I'm just a patsy" - Oswald
"The worst form of injustice is pretended justice" - Plato
Become a member of www.dealeyplazauk.com
Show #1187
Original airdate: Feb 22, 2024
Guests: Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1187 (47:18)
MP3 download
At Kennedys and King
Article: Hugh Aynesworth is Dead: The Grinch is Gone by Jim DiEugenio
Article: Edward Epstein: The Critic who Flipped by Jim DiEugenio
Article: Prouty on Vietnam: NSAM 263 and 273 60 years on by Jeff Carter
Article: Oswald in Japan: How the CIA Deceived Congress by Chad Nagle
Book: In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence by William Matson Law: Kindle
Articles: Our Lady of the Warren Commission by Johnny Cairns: Part 1 , Part 2
Article: Pipe the Bimbo in Red by Paul Bleau
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Inquest by Edward Jay Epstein
Book: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamcyzk: Paperback , Kindle
Wesley Liebeler referred to the Warren Commission as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
"Either we go with the magic bullet theory or we look for a second assassin" - Arlen Specter to the WC
Book: Praise from a Future Generation by John Kelin: Hardcover , Kindle
CIA document titled Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
Article: The Abstract Reality of Edward Epstein by Jim DiEugenio
Book: Let Justice Be Done by Bill Davy: Paperback , Kindle
Book: A Farewell to Justice by Joan Mellen: Paperback , Hardcover , Kindle , Audiobook
FREE Borrowable Ebook : The Man Who Knew Too Much (Richard Case Nagell) (revised) by Dick Russell
Book: The Assassinations co-edited by Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease: Paperback , Kindle
A black-and-white version of the Zapruder film?
Show #1186
Original airdate: Feb 15, 2024
Guests: Jeff Carter, John Armstrong
Topics: Prouty on Vietnam, JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1186 (2:02:32)
MP3 download
Watch all 50 episodes of 50 Reasons for 50 Years
Jeff worked with Len to produce the series 50 Reasons for 50 Years
Article: Prouty on Vietnam: NSAM 263 and 273: 60 years on by Jeff Carter
How Jeff became interested in researching the JFK case
All articles by Jeff Carter at Kennedys and King
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume IV, Vietnam, August–December 1963Download this Ebook in EPUB or MOBI format
National Security Action Memorandum 263
LBJ reversed NSAM 263 with NSAM 273 that he signed on Nov 26, 1963; just 4 days after JFK's murder
Book: JFK and Vietnam (Second Edition 2017) by John Newman: Paperback , Kindle
Kennedy could not have been allowed to win in 1964
Video: Edward Lansdale in Dealey Plaza , Dallas on 22 Nov, 1963 comfirmed by Col. Prouty & Gen. Victor Krulak
Krulak Letter Re: Dealey Plaza Photos And Lansdale Identity
Photos of Edward Lansdale (and others in Dealey Plaza)
Part B: John Armstrong; beginning at 56:08
Book: Harvey and Lee (2003) (.pdf) by John Armstrong
John's website: www.harveyandlee.net
The website contains the latest updates to John's JFK assassination research
How could Oswald be in two different places at the same time?
Articles: The Pre-Arranged Murder of J.D. Tippit by John Armstrong: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
Article: Dallas Police Transcripts by John Armstrong
Dallas PD collected 225 items of evidence on Oswald and handed it over to the FBI
The FBI returned 455 items of evidence of on Oswald back to the Dallas PD
How can 225 items turn into 455 items?
At what exact time did the Tippit assassination occur?
Commission Exhibits 705 and 1974
The changing of the timing of the Tippit shooting to 1:16pm allowed Oswald just enough time for him to have allegedly shot Tippit
Tippit was declared dead at the Methodist Hospital at 1:15pm
Quit reading books and instead read documents
Capt. Fritz never asked Oswald even a single question about the Tippit murder
Show #1185
Original airdate: Feb 8, 2024
Guests: Monika Wiesak, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: New Jackson Book, JFK Research
Play Show 1185 (2:11:53)
MP3 download
Monika Weisak's new book Michael Jackson: The Man, the Music, the Controversy (Kindle)
How Monika got interested in Michael Jackson
Jackie Kennedy wrote the introduction to Michael Jackson's autobiography
Video: Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)
Video: Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us (Brazil Version) (Official Video)
How the controversy began
How MJ was forced to settle the civil case
The documentary Living with Michael Jackson was manipulatively edited and a hit-piece
The 1993 and 2005 cases against Michael
Michael was found NOT guilty on all the 14 charges
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Michael Jackson Conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones
Be more skeptical of the media; question their stories
Part B: Jim DiEugenio; beginning at 58:59
At Kennedys and King
Article: Nicholas Nalli and the JFK Case, Part 2 by Dr. Gary Aguilar and Dr. Cyril Wecht
Article: JFK: What the Doctors Saw - An Important Addition, and a Missed Opportunity by Dr. Gary Aguilar
Book: The Assassinations co-edited by Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease: Paperback , Kindle
Trailer: Four Died Trying
Rent/buy the first part of Four Died Trying on Vimeo , Google Play , iTunes
Website of the film: www.fourdiedtrying.com
Article: Four Died Trying: The End of the Sixties by Jim DiEugenio
Article: Hugh Aynesworth is Dead: The Grinch is Gone by Jim DiEugenio
Article: Edward Epstein: The Critic who Flipped by Jim DiEugenio
Article: Prouty on Vietnam: NSAM 263 and 273 60 years on by Jeff Carter
Article: Oswald in Japan: How the CIA Deceived Congress by Chad Nagle
Was Hugh Aynesworth employed by the CIA?
Listener questions answered
Book: Harvey and Lee (2003) (.pdf) by John Armstrong
FREE Borrowable Ebook : JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters by James Douglass
Video: Daisy Ad (LBJ 1964 Presidential campaign commercial)
FREE Online Ebook : The Secret Team by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (1973)
FREE Online Ebook : (html version) Understanding Special Operations, And Their Impact on Vietnam War Era 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty, Colonel USAF (Retired) by David Ratcliffe (1999)
Book: No Case To Answer by Ian Griggs: Paperback , Kindle
FREE Download Ebook : And We Are All Mortal by George Michael Evica
Jim Garrison's Playboy interview: Part 1 , Part 2 , Download PDF
Harry Connick Sr. passed away on Jan 24, 2024
Edward Jay Epstein passed away on Jan 9, 2024
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Inquest by Edward Jay Epstein
Article: How Credible is JFK Secret Service Agent Paul Landis? by Vince Palamara
Leslie Gelb was the editor of the Pentagon Papers
Gelb attacked Stone's movie JFK (1991) when it was released
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Lessons in Disaster by Gordon Goldstein
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Government by Gunplay edited by Sid Blumenthal
Show #1184
Original airdate: Jan 25, 2024
Guests: Rob Reiner, Ray McGinnis
Topics: JFK Research, Canadain Politics
Play Show 1184 (1:33:31)
MP3 download
Watch the video of the interview on Rumble View Here
Actor and filmmaker Rob Reiner's new podcast on the JFK assassination
Who Killed JFK? (Spotify)
How Rob Reiner got interested in the case
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Rush to Judgement (1967) by Mark Lane
FREE Borrowable Ebook : The Man Who Knew Too Much (Richard Case Nagell) (revised) by Dick Russell
James Angleton and Allen Dulles
The podcast has been created in a way that makes it very easy for beginners to understand
Operation Northwoods (PDF)
George Joannides's role with the HSCA
There maybe a book released in the near future based on the podcast
Part B: Ray McGinnis; beginning at 30:13
Federal Court released findings in its Judicial Review and declared Cabinet invocation of the Emergencies Act was illegal and in contravention of i) the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ii) the Constitution Act of 1982, and sections of the Emergencies Act
Court ruling justly slams Trudeau's use of Emergencies Act
Trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber: Day 27 , Day 34
Article: Court Documents Reveal Canada's Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis by Rupa Subramanya
Article: Health Canada's contract with Pfizer exposes their liberal use of the word "safe"
Video: Viva Frei - Interview with Keith Wilson - Brian Peckford's Charter The latest legal breakdown
Justice for Josh Alexander
Renfrew board upholds Josh Alexander's suspension
Catholic High School Student Suspended Over Gender Beliefs Loses Appeal
Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus Not Allowed Any Defense Witnesses
Ottawa Police Prosecutor Vanessa Stewart Likens Detective Helen Grus to Serial Rapist-Murderer Russell Williams
Ontario Teen Suspended for Gender Views Seeks Judicial Review of 'Secret' School Board Decision
Video: Jordan Peterson: "I Can FINALLY Tell Y
Show #1183
Original airdate: Jan 25, 2024
Guests: Dave Ratcliffe, Col. Prouty
Topics: Remembering Col. Prouty
Play Show 1183 (2:00:50)
MP3 download
Col. Prouty's 107th birth anniversary on 24 January
Dave recalls how he met with Col. L. Fletcher Prouty through John Judge
Dave's website: www.ratical.org
FREE Online Ebook : The Secret Team by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (1973)
FREE Online Ebook : (html version) Understanding Special Operations, And Their Impact on Vietnam War Era 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty, Colonel USAF (Retired) by David Ratcliffe (1999)
How the secret team infiltrated various US govt agencies
Downloadable Video: Why Col. Prouty never had to sign a CIA oath of secrecy clearance
The Collected Works of Col. Prouty CD-ROM available for direct download here for just $30
Part B: Col. Fletcher Prouty with Sean Mackenzie; beginning at 45:30
The following is from a 1992 interview at the National Press Club
CIA involvement in the deaths of RFK and Martin Luther King?
Nobody could answer those questions honestly
The significant involvement is the suppression of normal court procedures
The power that can keep the State of Texas from carrying out the law
Wagoner Carr , J. Edgar Hoover , the Warren Commission
Fletcher travelled to another country to talk with a person
This person was eight or 10 inches behind Bobby Kennedy
A gun went off in this person's right ear
Castro, Khrushchev, the Mafia, they don't control Texas
Is the Rockefeller organization really the black hats?
Old John D. , sent scientists to Geneva, oil was organic matter
(Congrès de nomenclature Chimique de Genève, 1892 )
(Geneva Nomenclature Congress of 1892 )
This sort of proved that oil was in short supply, with intrinsic value
The breakdown of Standard Oil (May 15, 1911) was paper work
The amount of money they control, they're gonna have a say
Beef cattle, dairy, the Rockefellers have the American Breeders Service
Milk production, 10,000 quarts, up to 40,000
Oil did not come from the decomposition of formerly living matter
An ingredient of the Earth just like, rock or water
Rockefeller money moved in to Japan to rebuild the economy
The Rockefellers pull strings, make plans, control things
Why come forward with this confirmation?
High Treason: (Livingstone / Groden / Prouty 1989)
The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy : What Really Happened
A discussion with Livingston about Kennedy's Vietnam commitment of 16,000
NSAM 263 was to build down, NSAM 273 was to build up
Fletcher's candor versus others who have kept their mouth shut
If one doesn't choose to write about what he did ...
A lot of what Fletcher did was to correct things he read
The Secret Team and the Games They Play , The Washington Monthly (05/1970)
The Secret Team: (Prouty 1973)
The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World
Fletcher considered the book an autobiography
Philip Agee probably went to Switzerland with a ticket bought by CIA
Ellsberg, Les Gelb , the Pentagon Papers, pro-Agency
The CIA and Decision-Making (Cooper 01/1972), pure propaganda
Laurence Oliphant (1829-1888), Turkey, British Society of Psychical Research
Fletcher taught at Yale, Skull and Bones , George HW Bush, Bill Buckley
ONI is itself, not Navy really, the most powerful intelligence organization
OSS was under the JCS , not Intelligence, operational
Truman felt Intelligence was not coordinated, he abolished OSS
They preserved OPC, agents you just can't cut off, under Frank Wisner
1947 National Security Act , Department of Defense , National Security Council
CIA, the only operational word - coordination, not collection
Walter Bedell Smith , Moscow Ambassador, made head of CIA
The Dulles–Jackson–Correa Report , January 1, 1949
The brothers Dulles and the World Council of Churches
The brothers Dulles and Sullivan and Cromwell
Enormous business contacts in pre-war Germany
In 1944, Fletcher flew to Syria to pick up 750 Allied prisoners of war
There were German and Romanian Nazis with them, escorted by Frank Wisner
That was the first act of the Cold War, against our Russian ally
Iron Curtain, Count Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk speech (05/03/45)
Winston Churchill "The Sinews of Peace " speech , Fulton, Missouri (03/05/46)
Most writers write truth, it's the machine that won't take the truth
Smith, Wisner, Dulles, ignored the law, made CIA into an operational organization
Fletcher spent 10 interesting years in the banking business
American Bankers Association's Committee on Automation Planning and Technology
Banks hold a leadership role in American society and this world
NSC knows you made that call and who you called
A word they don't understand - illegal
NSA listens, they don't 'know', they record, they sort it out later by desire
The Stanford Research Institute (SRI), ran the Energy Crisis
Center for Strategic and International Studies , the propaganda work
Fletcher does not find MJ-12 (Majestic 12) credible, the material doesn't stand up
Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace (Lewin 1967)
It's a novel, he made it up, well that's what he says
The statements he has in it, I heard in the Pentagon almost daily
The substance is true, he didn't want to have to explain who was involved
Leonard Lewin on his book, New York Times Book Review, March 19, 1972
Operation Zapata: (Aguilar 1981)
The "Ultrasensitive" Report and Testimony of the Board of Inquiry on the Bay of Pigs
A report written by General Maxwell Taylor to President Kennedy
The Cuba Study Group met down the hall from my office
The Iron Mountain subject matter is incomparable
If you have a way of getting rid of people, you at least have got to preserve the 144,000
Part : Col. Fletcher Prouty with Sean Mackenzie; beginning at 1:45:00
Discusses the law firm that hired him to review L Ron Hubbard military records
Part D: Malcomn Blunt beginning at 1:52:36
Imagine 2 people assigned from Pentagon to help the ARRB
Just like George Joaninndies assigned to help the HSCA
Watch Video Here
Show 1182 (2:03:14)
Airdate: Aug 10, 2023
Guest: Col. Fletcher Prouty
Topics: Prouty background
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Or, Video - Show 1182 - Watch on YouTube
The censorship exercised by the newspaper editors
The advantages of hemp
Tungsten mining in Vietnam
The garden of eden in the world was Southeast Asia
Saigon was called the Paris of the Orient
It was mindless to destroy a beautiful place like Vietnam
Most likely one of the reasons for the Vietnam war was to get American businesses to replace the French
Is petroleum a fossil fuel?
Generally, no fossils are found below 16,000 feet
The oil depletion allowance
Video: President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)
"It has long been a Kennedy tradition: not to get mad but to get even. I fully realize that I shall not be able to get even during my first term in office. But during my second term, you are going to see some important changes" - President Kennedy
Why was Governor Connally in the same car as the President?
Lansdale and Col. Prouty knew each other since 1952
Lansdale was sent to the Philippines in 1952 to overthrow President Elpidio Quirino
And replace him with the new President Ramon Magsaysay
Col. Napoleon Valeriano trained Cuban exiles before the bay of pigs invasion
Valeriano became an American citizen
A million Vietnamese migrated from the North to the South before the war
The US Navy transported 660,000 Vietnamese from the North to the South
330,000 were moved by CIA's airline Civil Air Transport (CAT)
On September 2, 1953, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said "In Indochina, a desperate struggle is in its eighth year....We are already contributing largely in matériel and money to the combined efforts of the French and of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia."
Chiang Kai-Shek's presence at the Tehran conference
Article from Parade Magazine, Feb 1986:Why Stalin Never Forgave Eleanor Roosevelt by Elliott Roosevelt: Page 1 , Page 2
The cold war really began before the second world war ended
Our governments do not know how to operate without the threat of war
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Report from Iron Mountain by Leonard C. Lewin
New York Times Book Review: Report from Iron Mountain: The Guest Word by Leonard Lewin
The degradation of the infrastructure in the US
Show #1181
Original airdate: Jan 11, 2024
Guests: Morris Wolff, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1181 (1:28:40)
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Jim DiEugenio and Len Osanic interview Morris Wolff
Book: Lucky Conversations: Visits With the Most Prominent People of the 20th Century by Morris Wolff
Morris had the oppportunity to talk to JFK, RFK, Teddy Kennedy, Adlai Stevenson and others
Arlen Specter was the best man at Morris's wedding
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost
Morris also met and spoke to Kwame Nkrumah and Patrice Lumumba
How Morris got to meet John Kennedy
Morris helped write the Civil Rights Act of 1964
How Morris got in touch with Robert Kennedy
Morris's encounters with John Sherman Cooper, Richard Russell and Lyndon Johnson
Book: JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Jim DiEugenio: Hardcover , Kindle
JFK Revisited: The Complete Collection Blu-Ray + DVD
Rent/buy JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass : Showtime , Prime , iTunes , Vudu , Microsoft
Rent/buy the documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed : Amazon Prime , iTunes , Vudu
Morris's conversation with Jackie Kennedy
Morris attended the I Have A Dream speech with John Lewis
When Morris met with Malcolm X
Book: The Bill of the Century: The Epic Battle for the Civil Rights Act by Clay Risen:Hardcover , Paperback , Kindle , Audiobook
Book: Whatever Happened To Raoul Wallenberg by Morris Wolff: Paperback , Kindle
Morris's lawsuit against the Soviet Union
Morris also met with Eleanor Roosevelt and the former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan
Show #1180
Original airdate: Jan 4, 2024
Guests: Mark de Valk
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Play Show 1180 (2:34:53)
MP3 download
Mark de Valk is a Senior Lecturer in Film Production at The University of Winchester
Videos: Len Osanic Interviews Mark de Valk : Part 1 , Part 2
Details about the 2023 Wecht conference
Robert Groden believes that no alterations were made to the Zapruder film
Book: JFK Medical Betrayal: Where The Evidence Lies by Russell Kent: Kindle
Article: JFK Medical Betrayal: Where The Evidence Lies by Russell Kent by Jim DiEugenio
Libby Handros's new documentary Four Died Trying ; check poster here
Trailer: Four Died Trying
Rent/buy the first part of Four Died Trying on Vimeo , Google Play , iTunes
Website of the film: www.fourdiedtrying.com
Part B: Mark de Valk; beginning at 41:07
The movements of Jack Ruby prior to and after the assassination
Video: Lisa Pease - James Jesus Angleton and The Warren Commission (2014)
The two Oswalds (or the imposter)
Book: Harvey and Lee (2003) (.pdf) by John Armstrong
The sheep-dipping of Oswald
Captain William Westbrook and Sergeant Kenneth Croy
The connections between D.H. Byrd and George deMohrenschildt
Jack Ruby and Harry Olson
Was Jack Ruby in an emotional shock?
Soft drink bottlers were utilized in countries around the world for intel purposes
FREE Borrowable Ebook : Who Was Jack Ruby? by Seth Kantor
FREE Borrowable Ebook : The Star Spangled Contract by Jim Garrison
Video: Profile in Courage Award to Dr. Wecht